Creative Outlet

"And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze,"

Exodus 35:31-32

Hello ladies! This is the artistic as well as creative portion of the website where Coptic women can share their artistic abilities in relation to the Coptic Orthodox faith. You don't have to be an accredited artist to be able to share your work! Things such as drawings, poems, short stories, photographs, etc. are examples of artwork that are accepted! If you have any artwork pertinent to the Coptic faith and would like to share, please email and will be posted as soon as possible.

Creative Outlet

"The beautiful dove who gave birth to God the Word"

08/23/2012 11:17
Happy Feast of St. Mary! For this month, I thought I would post another heartfelt song from the album "The Story." This song is called "Be Born in Me," by Francesca Battistelli. What I love about this song is that it highlights the greatest qualities of St. Mary. This song is written in her...

I choose Jesus

04/20/2012 09:57
Ekhirstos Anesti! During Great Lent, I really contemplated God's love for us. How is it that a God who is so almighty and powerful so humbly gave Himself up to mankind, who willfully betrayed Him and sinned against Him? His love for us is truly abundant and uncontainable. So for this reason, I...

This is how Love wins

01/30/2012 09:56
  For this month we have a song called "This is How Love Wins" by Steven Curtis Chapman. This song is really unique in that it describes our Savior Jesus Christ's crucifixtion in the perspective of the Theif and Christ's love and forgiveness of his sins. "This is how Love wins, every...

Entry from Mareena Roufail

12/02/2011 09:55
Here we have a few very lovely, heartfelt poems by Mareena Roufail. She is a second year biology major at UC Irvine and loves to write in her spare time.   "Join Me" Join me on a roller coaster ride One you've never been on before It's number one! for just FIVE bucks! It's all...

Entry from Youstina Adel Kamel

04/13/2011 09:55
The first artwork to be posted up are beautiful drawings by the talented Youstina Adel Kamel.  

Death has lost and Love has won

03/01/2011 09:56
For this month, I thought I would share another song from an album called The Story, which was where the song from last month's entry, "This is How Love Wins," is also from. This song is called "Alive" by Natalie Grant, which is in the perspective Mary Magdalene. In this song,...